
June 27, 2022 | tags | views
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公司拥有一批高素质、专业性人才队伍,凭借多年丰富的俄罗斯物流运输经验,为客户**合理的运输方案和竞争性的价格,满足客户多方面的需要。 公司**服务:为客户提供“收货-报关-清关-配送”一条龙运作模式和“门到门”双清关包税服务International Maritime Service

1 Marine Container Service

Provide global international shipping agent service, extended services at home and abroad, door-to-door, door-to-port and other services, import and export, return, bonded, customs transfer and insurance agency services.

2 Maritime Carriage Service

Providing LCL service, one cube starting, undertaking general merchandise, and other goods, strictly according to SOP implementation, to ensure the safety of goods.


