Logistics elites

February 27, 2019 | tags | views
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为无进出口经营权的国内企业、外国企业驻京办事处代理进出口,办理进出口货物通关所需的各类监管证件及贸易文件,进口开立信用证,对外支付外汇,出口结汇,垫付出口退税 , 代开增值税发票等。
税则列号预先核定,代垫税费, 24 小时报关服务,鲜活货物先放后报服务,转关货物报关服务等。
代理海关登记备案,年审,异地备案,减免税审批,“三来一补”项目进料手册备案及核销,外国企业驻京办事处自用办公用品海关审批。代理进出口货物商检出证,代理中国强制认证(3C认证),代办免3C认证,进口食品、化妆品标签备案。代理ISO9000系列ISO14000系列质量体系认证等。 mainly specialize in international export air cargo business, can provide you with the direct and transit air cargo business from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong Airport to the whole world. Till now, we have become the main sales agent of many airlines such as China Airlines, Uni Airlines, Korea Airlines, UPS, Southern Airlines, etc.; Moreover, our air cargo export volume ranked in the top three in Shenzhen airport in the recent 3 years.

We have a member of Logistics elites and professional customer service and outdoor opertaion and our own logistics systems in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, etc. Our air cargo service can satisfy with your business inquiries and provide you the customized air cargo solutions.

Through long-term cooperation with domestic and overseas airlines and airports, we establish huge international cooperation network, which makes us a famous brand and enjoy high loyalty and reputation.


