
August 5, 2015 | tags | views
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Development of Asia's beaches began in the mid-1970s, with the creation of Las Palmas, the first condominium to be built on the beach. Kerosene lamps lit buildings, as electricity did not arrive until a second condo, Los Cocos, was developed. For many years, running water was not available, and water had to be trucked in.

By the 1990s, a reasonable level of housing development had been reached, but there were few businesses on the Camino Real, the road that connects Asia's beaches to the Panamerican Highway. Among the first businesses were a night club called Ibiza, the Sur Market, and a supermarket called Los Tres Chanchitos. Over the course of the decade, a movie theater and an E. Wong supermarket came to the city, along with many small shops and restaurants. Today's Asia has stores offering nearly all the products and services available in Lima.

The Camino Real is now home to many more nightclubs, including Juanito, Cocobongo, and Tsunami. The open-air shopping mall, Sur Plaza Boulevard, has more clubs, including trendy spots such as Café del Mar and Nikita, complemented by the lower-priced La Huaka and Joia. There are also three movie theaters, children's playgrounds, Peruvian restaurants, and a number of bars and pubs. Along the Asia Beach there are hotels, resorts, and upscale homes, even mansions. 供应链物流是近年中新发展起来的新型物流经营方式,以物流活动为核心,协调供应领域的生产和进货计划、销售领域的客户服务和订货处理业务,以及财务领域的库存控制等活动,充分发挥物流市场效益。物流方式从传统的简单仓储模式转化为以仓储为基础的增值服务为主的现代物流模式,以此适应客户的多方需求和提高客户满意度, 可以说,增值服务已经成为现代供应链物流中的主体。

增值服务主要包括质量检验,分拣,重新包装,贴标,搭配组合,库存管理,VMI, WMS,维护和修理等,通过与仓储,装卸,提货/配送等服务相结合,提供给客户最优化的物流解决方案


