德比英国海运公司 德比英国货代公司 德比英国海运广州代理公司
November 23, 2012 | tags 德比英国 | views
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become one of the best regional transportation and logistics service providers. Difference from other industry players, we have started to explore China in late 80s and started to invest and set up our operations in early 90s, while other players were still struggling for the China market. At the same time, we were developing our global network with strategic partnership and time-test professional agents worldwide. Agents within the network have been carefully selected to ensure service integrity is consistently maintained throughout our global network.
The Group is the members and recognized party of the following associations or authorities:-
FIATA, IATA, CIFA, NVOCC, Certificate of approval for establishment of enterprises with foreign investment in the people's republic of China, Certificate of approval for China Civil Air Transport Sales Agency Services which is authorized by CATA, Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding & Logistics Ltd., The Hong Kong Shippers Council, The Hong Kong Logistics Association, Customs-trade Partnership Against Terrorism.马士基海陆、东方海外、美国总统、铁行渣华、现代商船、以星、法国达飞、中远、赫伯罗特等著名船公司在青岛的指定定舱代理,可以直接出号。航线覆盖日本、东南亚、中东、欧洲、地中海、中南美、美东、美西等航线并在中东、欧洲、美国、中南美都有极富竞争力的运价。公司的业务范围包括:租船、订舱、配载、港口交接、报关、报验、代储、代存、代运、保险、制单、结汇等业务。在全体员工的共同努力,公司的业务迅猛发展,在青岛港同行业中进出口业务代理量名列前茅。九九年我公司在山东路10号购买了三层拥有自己产权的新办公楼,从而结束了租房办公的局面,同时树立了良好的公司形象,在广大客户心目中的信誉度大为提高。
The Group is the members and recognized party of the following associations or authorities:-
FIATA, IATA, CIFA, NVOCC, Certificate of approval for establishment of enterprises with foreign investment in the people's republic of China, Certificate of approval for China Civil Air Transport Sales Agency Services which is authorized by CATA, Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding & Logistics Ltd., The Hong Kong Shippers Council, The Hong Kong Logistics Association, Customs-trade Partnership Against Terrorism.马士基海陆、东方海外、美国总统、铁行渣华、现代商船、以星、法国达飞、中远、赫伯罗特等著名船公司在青岛的指定定舱代理,可以直接出号。航线覆盖日本、东南亚、中东、欧洲、地中海、中南美、美东、美西等航线并在中东、欧洲、美国、中南美都有极富竞争力的运价。公司的业务范围包括:租船、订舱、配载、港口交接、报关、报验、代储、代存、代运、保险、制单、结汇等业务。在全体员工的共同努力,公司的业务迅猛发展,在青岛港同行业中进出口业务代理量名列前茅。九九年我公司在山东路10号购买了三层拥有自己产权的新办公楼,从而结束了租房办公的局面,同时树立了良好的公司形象,在广大客户心目中的信誉度大为提高。