
October 18, 2012 | tags Atlanta  GA   | views
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不断完善和发展国内外的分支及代理机构; 以海运整箱和拼箱货运代理为起点,为国际贸易提供优质服务。我们拥有一支既有丰富专业知识又有良好服务理念的优秀员工队伍。凭借在国际贸易、运输领域的丰富经验,为客户提供合适的货运运输方案,给广大客户降低物流成本,提高物流效率;运用最新科技手段进行信息化的管理,实现对物流运行过程中各种信息的实时反馈和分析解决出现的问题,确保货运的准时到达 公司以客户群为导向,成立了多个业务部门,并有相关配套的报关、报检、集卡车队、仓库场地、财务和行政管理部门及港区、机场的现场办公室,为客户提供一条龙服务。同时,公司在东南亚,中东,欧洲及北美的主要港口已建立国际代理网络。 Focusing on client oriented, we not only offer freight forwarding related services covering customs brokerage, report for inspection, a group of lorries, warehousing, accounting and administration but also set up site offices at the harbor and the airport, in addition to several functional departments, providing one-stop service to the clients. Meanwhile, we have established a network of global associates all over the major ports in Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America.


