
July 19, 2012 | tags | views
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中文名称: 卢森堡大公国
英文名称: TheGrandDuchyofLuxembourg,LeGrand-DuchédeLuxembour
简称: 卢森堡
所属洲: 欧洲
首都: 卢森堡市
国庆日: 6月23日
国歌: 我们的祖国 (Ons Hémécht)
国家代码: LUX
官方语言: 法语、德语
货币: 欧元
时区: 东一区
政治体制: 议会制君主立宪制
国家领袖: 大公亨利,首相让-克洛德·容克
人口数量: 502,202人(2009年)
主要民族: 卢森堡人
主要宗教: 天主教
国土面积: 2,586.3平方公里(世界第176名)
GDP总计: 549.73亿美元(2008年)
人均GDP: 114,512美元
国际电话区号: +352
国际域名缩写: .lu
道路通行: 靠右行驶
geographical advantage to rely on the Pearl River Delta, in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong has developed into a comprehensive logistics network, the company again at the same time the development of air transport does not improve the shipping and delivery segment, together with Hong Kong enterprises to join the company to gradually lay the foundation for rapid development. We have been working with airlines to cooperate more than 300 nationwide green cities and regions; a well-established service network ensure that customers provide an accurate, efficient and safe "door-to-door" transportation services.
Company uphold the purpose of customer-focused services, logistics services with advanced logistics concepts and rich experience, tailored for different customers to provide professional logistics solutions and high-quality and efficient logistics services to help customers reduce costs and enhance market competitiveness .
Company to a strong, comprehensive network of services, quality of service quality, professional level of service has won praise from customers. The company has chemical, food, electronics, appliances, etc. more than 40 corporate customers, as many foreign-invested enterprises and domestic large-scale manufacturing enterprises excellent logistics provider, trusted partner.


