Sea & Air-Bridge Service.

April 24, 2012 | tags | views
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professional logistics services for about 15 years until now, is a dynamic and cutting edge market leader in logistics and freight forwarding services across Asia to and from Transpacific, Europe, Latin America, Australia for Air/Sea & Air-Bridge Service. With its owned network throughout the far east region including the head office in Hong Kong & own branches in: Shanghai, Tianjin, Ningbo, Qingdao, Dalian, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Zhongshan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia.本公司的六大优势、一个目标:
1) 正规的运输企业,让您放心。
2) 全面的保安措施,保证您的货物绝对安全,损缺货物按价赔偿。
2) 我公司做到从门到门,一对一的专人跟踪服务到位。
3) 我公司做到天天发车、准时、准点、安全快捷、代办保险。
4) 我公司做到客户的高低档和精密大中小货物,提供包装和全封闭的包装服务。
5) 我公司做到铁路行包、国内航空和国际行空,到货时间误差不到半小时。
6) 运费结算方式灵活,根据不同情况可现结、货到付款、月结、季结、还可预交押金等


