September 16, 2022 Views
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国家对外经济贸易合作部批准的具有货运代理资格的企业。我们团队拥有好的服务意识和相当强的工作能力,秉承现代物流企业理念,本着诚信至上的原则为客户承办:海、陆、空进出口货物的国际货运代理业务, 包括:散杂货租船、订舱、中转及国际运输、报关、报检、仓储、配送等为一体的专业物流业务。Through the support of our principal and our professional Romanian team we can insure a wide array of services providing to our customers complete transport and logistics packages to and from areas such as Far East, Europe, Mediterranean area, Middle East, West / East / North / South Africa, North America. COSCO SHIPPING Line assures transport solutions for different types of equipment including the special one: OT, FR, RF, RH, SOC ISO TANK and special commodities (eg. IMO cargo).